Guestbook Archive

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Old Guestbook

powhatan, virginia

hi guys,,,,,,, :-)     (((gin))))
September 27, 2000  16:43:58

Lady Monique Holland Europe Dearest Beth and mark - Bride and Groom to be, Thank you for signing my guestbook. The romantic love is just beaming from your homepage. I loved the background with white roses and the pictures. I know that the period just before a wedding is extremely exciting, I have been there :o). You were so blessed to find each other on the net and I wish you all the happiness and health for the future. Beth is probably trying her wedding dress on for the 5th time :), making sure that she looks pretty as September 27, 2000 20:40:14
Lady Monique Holland Europe PART II ... making sure that she looks pretty as a princess (I am sure she will, she is gorgeous) and Mark is practising on a speech or organizing last things. The house is blooming with love and tenderness. You make sure that you always remember these days before your wedding. There will come a time that you both need to recollect all those emotions in order to keep this marriage alive and kicking (wish words from a young woman). Mark, see in Beth the most beautiful woman that God has created September 27, 2000 20:42:09
Lady Monique Holland Europe PART III Beth, always keep an open mind towards Mark and value everything that he does for you. Be the one to stroke over his heart when there are words spoken that will be misunderstood. Have the wisdom to reflect on your relationship in a positive manner. Dry his inner tears when challenges come, but most of all love him like only a woman can do. You have my blessings and another crystal of thought goes out to heaven reflecting the love of Mark and Beth. September 27, 2000 20:43:31
DD Little TreeFrog Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! September 28, 2000 02:01:44
Lady Monique Holland Europe Dear Mark and Beth, My prior message may seem a little odd but I was trying to post a big message to you in three parts. The guestbook seemed to take on the first two parts (written from my heart), but as it turned out later they did you appear in the book. I just wanted to wish you the best of days on Oct. 20 and good luck in good and bad times. LOVE to you September 28, 2000 03:53:15
Carly Alaska Hi! Cool site you have here...BTW Congradulations!!! September 28, 2000 04:22:01
Deb AZ You two have as wonderful of a story as we do! Isn't internet love sooooo grand!!!-LOL Best of luck to you both and come by and visit us when you have the time!, God bless, Deb-n-John September 28, 2000 15:17:19
Barbara Jeffrries-Taylor Cleveland OH Congrats to the you both. May you always find only true love and happiness upon this road of life September 28, 2000 23:08:57
Angela and Baron Richmond, VA Best wishes for a beautiful wedding day and a lifetime of happiness. September 28, 2000 23:28:05
LoriFlower Michigan What a wonderful Tribute! Wishing you the best the world has to offer. Lori September 29, 2000 09:17:28
Deb Alaska What a great site and a great love story!!! I enjoyed my visit! September 29, 2000 15:21:03
John Ohio I just surfed on. Your site is very nice. Good luck to both of you! September 30, 2000 03:50:21
Irene High Rolls, NM Hi: I'm a Judge with WOSIB, and I wanted to tell you what a nice site you have. Thanks for doing so much hard work on it, what a pleasure to view it. Keep up the Good Work and have a Terrific Day !!! October 1, 2000 04:01:52
Kathie sugar_31 Oregon You have a very nice site. I wish you both all the best and it is so nice you found each other.I would like to ask you both to Come join our Web Dreamers webring....we have fun and games...we are an active webring with lots of really nice people.If you go to join let them know Kathie sugar_31 sent you. Together we can make dreams come true. October 3, 2000 05:08:36